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Written by Val on Jun. 3, 2018
Before Carl left this afternoon we visited the new Happy Cones & Treats in Velva. It used to be the old Tastee Freeze & then was a diner, that closed recently. We are happy that there is something new there! The ice cream was yummy! Here is a photo of mom & Carl enjoying their ice cream cones!

Website: Velva
Written by Val on Jun. 3, 2018
Hello HHFs! Hope you all had a nice weekend! Carl was home for a visit since last weekend & went back to North Carolina this afternoon. It was a "working" vacation! There was a goal to finish the fence in the south pasture & get the bulls moved and thanks to the hard work & determination of Carl & Kevin, it got done! Through heat, rain, wind (but no hail). We moved the bulls on Saturday morning! Here is a photo of the crew (mom & I directed traffic). THANKS Carl & Kevin!

Written by Cindy on May. 29, 2018
Hi all, decided since I am up earlier than my Mom( guess I usually am anyway) I would give a little update. We are seeing the surgeon today for her 2 week post op visit. Think she is doing real well, she is very tired but I think that is due to the fact that she doesn't do to much on a routine basis. Ron and I have tried to get her out a little, took her to Target yesterday, met Jill and Marley there so looked around a bit before getting a shake at Steak & Shake before coming home. She is eating well, hoping to get the ok for regular food today(has been on a soft diet since surgery) We will be driving to Casper after the appt today as I want her to see her primary doctor so he knows what's going on and of course tomorrow is the only appt available for over a week, would have to get up too early tomorrow to get there in time. I will stay a couple of days, think she'll do fine as long as she doesn't fall into old habits of laying down after eating. She's not taking any pain meds and isn't nauseous so that's a plus. Thank you to everyone for the calls and encouraging words, she does appreciate it.
Will keep you updated. Much love to all.

Written by Bonnie F on May. 29, 2018
Glad to see a post on family website, I look at it everyday! We got a little rain , so is good. Got all the corn seed in the ground thanks to good neighbor and friend Greg Haga, yes he is a distant relative. My gardenn is coming up and my flowers are looking better after a week of temps in the 90,s and many windy and warm days. We are enjoying Carl,s visit, he is trying to help us catch up on all things concerning the farm. Yesterday I took the plunge and had a PERM first in over a year or two. Think is is a pickme up that I needed. Hi to all and special greeting to sister Audrey, hope each day you are feeling stronger. Love, Bonnie F

Written by Val on May. 28, 2018
Hope all the HHF's had a nice Memorial Day weekend! Ours was very busy & I am heading to bed as soon as am done writing this. We had 2 grand nieces that graduated from high school this weekend so attended an open house for one on Saturday evening & drove to Hebron,ND yesterday for another. Carl is home for a visit & he & mom made a trip to the annual Kite Festival at Lake Sakakawea yesterday afternoon & then continued on to Beulah where they attended the graduation open house for Jacob Weigel, grandson old James & Sandy Weigel. Today Carl, Kevin, Dad & I spent most of the day fencing in the bog by the railroad tracks in the south pasture. I do believe we will all sleep hard tonight unless our aches & pains keep us up. We might have difficulties getting out of bed in the morning. Was nice to be outdoors in the fresh air, but I am not used to that!

We are all hoping Aunt Audrey is feeling better after her surgery. She is staying with Cindy & has follow up appointments this eek. We love you Aunt Audrey & hope you are feeling better!!

Written by Val on May. 13, 2018
Barb, Ardella, Mom and I had a lovely day at the Mohall Greenhouse! Such a fun place! The ceiling and walls of the one building were full of all kinds of antiques - a trip down memory lane! We had a wonderful lunch and of course the flowers were all beautiful too! The weather was gorgeous! We stopped at Uncle Bob's tractor shop on the way back to Minot too! Hope all the Moms had a great day!

Written by Val on May. 10, 2018
Happy Mothers Day to all the HHF moms! Hope you all have a lovely weekend! Mom, Barb, Ardella & I are planning a trip to Mohall on Saturday to go to a lovely greenhouse there that also serves lunch! I have always heard how wonderful it is, but have never been there. Sunday mom and I will plan to go to church and the youth are serving a brunch after church, so we will probably take that in and have the rest of the day to do what we want, which will most likely involve a work project of some sort. Erica sent me a beautiful bouquet of flowers for Mother's Day, which I received yesterday so I can enjoy them at work! I sure miss her & wish she were here! Deb and Shelley are together in Rockford, Illinois today visiting a Japanese Garden there. Shelley was in Chicago for a meeting so they met up outside of Chicago. Happy Mother's Day to all!

Written by Bonnie F on May. 8, 2018
Me again. Val and Kevin were there of course, I believe they signed as witnesses. I didn't mean to leave them out , they were a very important part. And of yes, I thought they should have a wedding cake, so they went and got one and had a photo taken with it.Bonnie F

Written by Bonnie F on May. 8, 2018
I am a little late with my anniversary wishes, I hope you two had a nice day yesterday. I want to reminisce a little about that day 14 years ago. It was a very nice day , Curt and I were able to be there for the ceremony and also Erica and Shelley. Olga was a beautiful bride and Carl a handsome groom. The wedding was simple but special. After the ceremony we had a lovely meal at the North 40 and then went to their house to watch them open their gifts. They insisted that we all stay overnight at their house, so we did, Curt left early the next morning, but the rest of us stayed and celebrated Mother's Day together. Lots of good memories of this day. Love, Bonnie F

Written by Val & Kevin on May. 7, 2018
Happy Anniversary today to Carl & Olga! Hope you take time out to celebrate!

Written by Val on May. 2, 2018
Congratulations to Bryan Boshinki & Molly Tillman on their engagement! I saw the news on Facebook & wanted to be sure and share with everyone since I know many of you are not on Facebook! Hope we get to meet Molly someday! Congratulations!

Written by Pete and Barb on May. 1, 2018
Happy Birthday to the most fantastic sister ever!! We hope you've had a wonderful day -- know Steven was taking you out for supper. And took you to an Astros game! Way to raise that boy right! Wishing you a fabulous year!
Bummer to hear about the heart issues with the Feists. Sure hope Carl's surgery did the trick and he feels better. Prayers are flying your way.
All is well here. We finally got spring for a couple of days, and now it's summer. But it might relapse a bit the next couple of days, but think it's really here finally!
Love to all! Barb & Pete

Love to all!

Written by Cindy on Apr. 30, 2018
Hi everyone, Ron and I are in Scottsdale enjoying a very laid back week- got here Sunday and they are having unseasonably nice weather in the 70's and low 80's- absolutely perfect(have been here when it's miserably hot and that's no fun)
Happy 60th to Sue, hope you have the most wonderful day(wish we were all there so we could throw you a BIG party like my sisters did for me)
Spent the weekend in Denver before we flew out to Scottsdale. Celebrated Greg's birthday, had so much fun, did Topgolf Friday night then went for lunch at one of our favorite places(an Italian buffet-yum!) then went to see the new Avengers movie at the IMAX- really enjoyed it even though I didn't understand it all lol. Jenny and Matt were along and they're doing fine, Jens still looking for a job so hoping something comes up soon. Made a pecan pie for Greg ( his choice, didn't want cake) I love pie too so was pretty tasty if I do say so myself.
Enjoy Spring- miss you all!

Written by Val & Kevin on Apr. 30, 2018
Happy Birthday tomorrow to Cousin Sue! Hope it is a fantastic day & you are showered with lots of birthday wishes from friends & family! You are a "FANTASTIC" 60 year old!

Written by Bonnie F on Apr. 29, 2018
Hi everyone, I have been away from SimpleSite as my computer was on the fritz.
Thanks to neighbor DJ and daughter Val, it is up and running again. Spring is kind of here, although after having 80 degrees yesterday, we are down to 54 today with a blasting north wind. A good day to stay inside.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY tomorrow to niece Sue. Hope you have a great May Day! Hope my card will arrive.
After some anxious moments, Carl got through his heart surgery pretty well. It was an elective procedure to try and regulate his heartbeats, the procedure was called catheter oblation. He has been struggling with issues ever since his sleep study revealed that he had a bad case of sleep apnea, and that his heart had been weakened during this time. WE have also found out that Val has a somewhat same condition, she is doing well on medication.
Shelley and I have some heart beat issues, but hopefully we will not have to have surgery. Olga is taking good care of him and the two pups, yes they have another one, are keeping them both happy.
Hope to hear from other HHF's soon. Love, Bonnie
