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Written by Val & Kevin on Jan. 10, 2019
Happy 60th wedding anniversary to my mom & dad today (January 11)! So proud of you reaching this milestone in your married life! You are a great example to all of us about commitment and staying together through "thick and thin". We love you & are proud of you! Looking forward to celebrating with a special evening out tonight! Hoping your mailbox is full of well wishes over the next few weeks!

Website: Velva
Written by Val Heisler on Jan. 3, 2019
We had a wonderful evening celebrating Dad's 80th birthday last night! He was in the house early, took a shower & enjoyed his spa treatment! He got a paraffin wax treatment on his hands by spa attendant Shelley & I worked on his feet! He really seemed to enjoy it. Mom prepared crab legs for the birthday boy & a delicious meal for all, followed by German Chocolate birthday cake & presents. He got a new TV for the kitchen from us kids. We tried to pay Left Right Center for various meat prizes, but he kept falling asleep, so we decided he had had enough! He enjoyed all the cards and well wishes that were sent!

Written by Cindy on Jan. 3, 2019
Happy Birthday to Uncle Curt, Sounds like there were some wonderful plans for your evening anyway! Hope you have a great time!
Happy 80th! Much love:)

Written by Sue on Jan. 3, 2019
Happy New Year everyone and Happy Birthday to Jill and an 80th birthday shoutout to Uncle Curt! Wow! Enjoy your celebration!
Thanks to everyone for their well wishes for Kathleen and Craig! It was another beautiful wedding. They had a great time. I think everyone else did, too. There was much merry making and dancing!
Thanks to Barb for putting the pics on the site. The last time I tried it, mine was sideways. It feels like Christmas and wedding went by in a fast blur. I'm still trying to catch up. I just did my Christmas returns today. I'm trying to put all my Christmas decorations away by the weekend. I have way too much, but I love Christmas and can't resist. Struggling with allergy drainage. Go back to work next Monday.

Written by Val & Kevin on Jan. 2, 2019
Happy 80th Birthday today to my dad! It is going to be a beautiful day in ND so that is a blessing. We are hoping the guest of honor gets his chores done early so we can pamper him a little this evening. Shelley is here visiting & we have plans to give dad a hand and foot spa treatment, followed by crab legs for supper, German Chocolate birthday cake, presents and a meat themed game of Left Right Center! We are hoping he can stay awake for the entire celebration! Love you dad & wishing you a special day!

THANKS for posting the photos of the wedding/Houston Christmas Barb! Enjoyed seeing them. The wedding looked beautiful!

Written by Barb & Pete on Jan. 2, 2019
Happy New Year! Happy Birthday Jill! Happy Birthday Curt (tomorrow)!! We hope everyone is doing great!

We got back on Sun nite from a fabulous time in Houston. We had 3 great Christmas celebrations and we so enjoyed the wedding festivities! I've posted pics (some from Sue too) at the bottom of the menu tree.

The wedding was fabulous. Kathleen looked like a princess! We loved meeting Craig's family from Britain -- his daughter Gabriella (Gabby), his Mom Jan, her husband Mark and Mark's daughter Zoe. Their rehearsal dinner was at the "house" (more like a mansion) of friends of Craig and Kathleen's and was lovely.

Our flight back to Mpls was cancelled due to a a "potential windshield crack". So tried standby for the next flight (no go) but was able to get out on the last flight that day. I (Barb) got a cold the next day so am a bit miserable but think the worst is over.

Best Wishes for the New Year to everyone!
Love, Barb & Pete

Written by Val & Kevin on Dec. 31, 2018
Happy New Year and Happy Birthday to Jill! Shelley is visiting so we were at the farm last night for an appetizer spread, followed by games and trying to stay up until 11:00 p.m. to see in the New Year on east coast time. It was a bitter cold night so we were happy to be inside & not out traveling. Shelley & mom are coming to my house today for some crafts and visiting. I will be cooking up a ham for this evening. I honestly am very sick of food and hope we can get the fridge cleared out in the next week! Ugh! We plan to celebrate Dad's 80th birthday with a low key celebration at home. Shelley & I hope to do some home spa treatments for his hands and feet and then serve him crab legs and play a game or two!

Hoping everyone had a wonderful holiday season! Congrats again to Kathleen & Craig! Saw one photo Sue sent in a text and Kathleen looked like a princess in her beautiful dress! Looking forward to seeing more photos! Love you all!

Written by Desiree on Dec. 27, 2018
HELLO FROM COLD COLORADO! I've been home working on the computer and it hasn't warmed out of the teens. Brr

I've posted some pics in the "Christmas 2018" folder too. The first group is from our visit to Casper. We had a very nice trip and even took mom out for a Christmas cocktail! She had a classic drink called a "Smith & Kearns" and finished it before Jill and I got ours down lol. We had Christmas at moms and just enjoyed being together and visiting. I had brought along some old family Christmas photos so we had a few good laughs for sure! My beautiful sister-in-law Candy was there too however she is quick to get out of the way of the camera.

The next group is from Christmas at the Conners. The little boy is named Jett and he and his mom Chelsea have been a part of our lives for the past year. At Cindy's 60th bday Chance met the daughter of one of Cindy's good friends and they have been dating exclusively since. Chance and Chelsea are even buying a home in Greeley (up the street from Cindy's) scheduled to close mid-January. Yes this is serious. I also figured that I should post a pic of my hubby since he's rarely seen in photos too.

Congratulations to Kathleen and Craig. Can't wait to see some pics and hear about the wedding. I'm sure she was a gorgeous bride. Lastly, Mom wanted me to make sure that I said "hello and Merry Christmas everyone from Audrey." Love to all :-)

Written by Shelley on Dec. 27, 2018
Happy wedding day Kathleen!!! Would be so nice to be there. Have a great time everyone!

Written by Val & Kevin on Dec. 27, 2018
Happy Wedding Day to Kathleen & Craig! We are thinking of all of you in Texas and wishing you a memorable, wonderful day celebrating with Kathleen & Craig! Congrats!

Written by Val & Kevin on Dec. 24, 2018
Happy Birthday today to Ron Thompson!! Wishing you a great day & wonderful Christmas!!

Written by Val on Dec. 23, 2018
The Heisler’s have been enjoying the nice weather & some sights in the big city! One of my favorite things to do in Las Vegas is to visit the conservatory at the Bellagio. This year’s display do not disappoint. It was beautiful! Most things are made of fresh flowers or other natural items like seeds. It is amazing. I will put some photos in Barb’s Christmas 2018 folder.

Written by Bonnie Feist on Dec. 22, 2018
It's Sunday and almost dark but Curt wants to move cows so whether I have the energy or feel like it I will be helping. Had a real nice church service today at Oak Valley. Solid Oak Gospel(I am still a member) led the service and the kids put on a real cute program, the Paper Bag pageant. We have so many little kids at our church now and they are so cute.
I want to wish all of you HHF'S a very Merry Christmas with fun, good food, good memories and all that makes Christmas special for everyone. We will be missing all of our own children this year, but we are happy that Robert and Ardella can come and be with us on Christmas Day. I am going to try and prepare a meal, hope it comes out okay, I seem to have troubles since my scary diet of bland food, I may have lost my touch! Well we will have lefse for sure and Homemaker's dessert to if all else fails! Anyway missing all of you and hoping your holidays will be fine, A special wish to Kathleen and Craig, I wish you a beautiful day for the wedding and much happiness as you begin your journey in life together. Love, Bonnie

Written by Barb & Pete on Dec. 22, 2018
Merry Christmas everyone!

I posted some "pre-Christmas" pics (from Thanksgiving at Val & Kevin's) -- is at the bottom of the menu tree titled "Christmas 2018". Am hoping other people will add some pics from their celebrations to the photo album!

Is hard to believe we're not headed to Minot (the first time in my life) for Christmas. We'll be with you guys in spirit and heard we'll be Face Timing. We're of course excited about being with Sue and kids and of course the wedding. Will try to take lots of pics!

Love to all! We miss you!
Barb & Pete

Written by Cindy and Ron on Dec. 21, 2018
Hi Everyone, Just talked with the Casper group- Des and Jill drove up to stay with Mom for a few days and celebrate Christmas. I stayed behind as I was up there a couple of weeks ago and am behind here at home. Greg is supposed to come to Greeley today for a few days and Jenny and Matt will plan to come on Christmas Day. I am planning to cook on the 25th so will just be at home and eat and be lazy-hopefully we will get to talk about the wedding, haven't had any time to sit down and find out what Jen and Matt are thinking or wanting. They are both working so much that haven't really spent much time getting any things sorted out. Will be nice just to sit back and chill, usually seems like we are running around on the holidays. Hope you all enjoy some quiet time to enjoy the reason for the season. Wish we could all be together in Houston for the wedding of Kathleen and Craig, best wishes for a wonderful day and a lifetime of happiness. How are the other newlyweds(Steven and Mary)?
Hope Val and Kevin have a great time in Vegas with Erica, so glad you can be with her since she can't come home for the holiday. I'm sure she appreciates having you there. Glad to hear she is doing so well at her job!
Shelley, are you traveling home to ND for the Christmas holidays?
Much love to you all for a wonderful holiday!