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Written by Val & Kevin on Dec. 18, 2018
Hello Everyone! I want to pass on Christmas Greetings from Kevin & I and to wish Kathleen & Craig a WONDERFUL wedding day! We will be leaving on Friday for Las Vegas and returning the evening of December 27th. We had not planned to be gone for Christmas, but Erica did not have time off to come home, so her dad really wanted to go and spend the holiday with her. We don't have any specific plans, but hope to just enjoy being together & maybe take some time to relax. Erica wanted hardware put on her kitchen cabinets, so that is going to be her Christmas gift from her dad! So he has one project to do while we are there. We are hoping to see where she works. We are very proud of her - she just got a promotion & is now going to be the Assistant Personal Training Manager at the lifetime Fitness Club she works at! We will miss spending Christmas with Mom & Dad and Robert & Ardella, but hoping the four of them can be together on Christmas Day.

The weather in ND has been amazing! This morning it was already 41 degrees at 7:00 a.m.! It has been a beautiful week & while the temperatures are supposed to cool down this weekend, it is still warm compared to what we could have!

Special wishes to Kathleen & Craig for an amazing wedding day! We are so happy for both of you & wish you a wonderful life together as husband and wife! So glad Aunt Barb & Uncle Pete are there to help you celebrate! We will look forward to seeing photos!

Our wish for all of you is peace during this hectic, sometimes difficult time for many. We miss the way things were & sometimes it is hard to accept the way they are. But, remember that the greatest gift of Christmas is the birth of our Savior who love us beyond measure & will always be with us, through the good times & the bad.

Love you all!

Written by Bonnie F on Dec. 14, 2018
Hi all HHF'S Well, I just finished decorating my Elvis Christmas tree and I am listening to him on an old LP that my owned which has marvelous sounds of the "King" What could be better? Curt is up and around after an all night bout of stomach flu alias (Noro Virus) which he got from me. I was lucky to get it during the night of last Tuesday- a pretty tough but quick bout. Sure hope everyone is spared, I have heard Velva is really full of it. I hope to attend the Christmas cantata tomorrow at our church, the Christmas train will come thru Velva tonight, hopefully we can see it from our pasture. The weather here is beautiful, tonight my boss invited us to her house for a party, but I think we will stay home and try to make our stomachs feel better. Hope everyone's holiday plans will come about okay. Let's hear from someone. Love, Bonnie F.

Written by Val on Dec. 6, 2018
Hello, hello! Is anyone here? I am off to New York City early tomorrow morning for a "Holiday Tour of the Big Apple"! Going to be meeting up with a friend of mine from college. Excited and nervous! We are going to be VERY busy! Love to all!

Written by Val & Kevin on Nov. 29, 2018
Happy Birthday today to Steve Doeling! Hope you have a great day and that you and Mary are enjoying your new life as Mr. & Mrs.!

Written by Cindy on Nov. 26, 2018
Hi All, Want to thank everyone for all the birthday cards, texts, and well wishes-got the mail yesterday after being gone for a whole week and was fun to get all the cards, etc. Really enjoyed our trip to Lake Tahoe, very beautiful setting and had a fabulous VRBO that we stayed in. Started rain/snowing on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving so woke up to about 6 inches fresh snow, the kids had a blast using the sled that were in the garage but I just watched from the window and the nice warm house, we had a big dinner catered in and of course ate way too much. Came home on Saturday evening so missed most of the craziness of the Sunday travelers. No real issues at the airports, ran pretty smoothly for all 13 who went along.
Back home now and many Dr. appts for my father in law getting ready for the surgery on his leg, but due to blood work issues(low sodium and creatnine problems)we have to delay until next week, if all the blood work turns out ok! Actually works out better for me since I have to bake and get things ready for our church Christmas tea. Do need to get up to see my Mom so that kind of messes that up but will have to wait and see how things work out.
Haven't put up any decorations yet, need to get that done too. Yikes-always too much to do and not enough time:) Of course, have a cold now after flying, seems like that is a given for me.

Love seeing all the posts. Keep warm!

Written by Val on Nov. 26, 2018
Happy Anniversary to Deb & Lindsay Johnson today! Hope you have a great day and do something fun to celebrate!

Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving! We had a great day celebrating with Mom & Dad, Robert & Ardella and Barb & Pete. We "kicked off" the holiday season with some fancy headgear fun! Barb & Pete always take great photos so will use them as our "models" for the holiday headgear! It was a great day and we even had time for a few rounds of Catch Phrase!

Hope everyone is doing well, staying healthy & looking forward to the holiday season! I went with a group of gals from our office last night to a craft night to celebrate the holidays. We made wooden trays. I actually used a drill & air nailer. It was fun.

Written by Bonnie F on Nov. 21, 2018
HAPPY bIRTHDAY CINDY! Hope you have had a great day, being in the warm climate of Lake Tahoe must be great. Talked to your mom today for quite a while. She said she had no plans for Thanksgiving. Would love to get in the car and drive out there, but it is way too far at this time for me. Everyone have a great Thanksgiving, I am looking forward to actually eating more different things after months of bland, bland, bland. Love, Bonnie F

Written by Sue on Nov. 21, 2018
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We are eating dinner together so I don't have to get up at the crack of dawn to put in the turkey! Kathleen and Craig will get here a little after midnight tonight. Mary and Steven will come over about 4:30 as well as Craig's dad, stepmom and brothers. We'll have a great time. Lots to be thankful for.
Happy Birthday, Cindy! I hope you are having a great time!
I want to thank everyone for being such a great family! Your love and generosity is much appreciated by my kids and I.

Written by Val on Nov. 20, 2018
Happy Birthday today to Cindy Sue! Hope you have a wonderful day & wonderful Thanksgiving trip to Lake Tahoe! You are such a special cousin & special person. So kind, caring and giving and always helping out others! I am so glad we got to spend time together in Texas last month! Wonderful memories I will cherish always! Happy Birthday!

Written by Val on Nov. 19, 2018
Hello all! No one has posted for awhile so maybe if I post, some more will follow! Hope everyone is looking forward to Thanksgiving & a nice holiday weekend. I am looking forward to having mom & dad, Barb & Pete, Robert & Ardella & of course my hubby as Thanksgiving guests. Everyone is bringing food so we will share in the cooking. My turkey is only 13 pounds so I should not have to get up too early! What is everyone else planning for Thanksgiving? I know the Thompson's are going to Lake Tahoe with Ron's family - that sounds nice! I am sure many of you will be enjoying a long weekend and have Friday off. I will be working. It is actually a good day to get things done as no one is there!

My mom is still dealing with health issues & the next step is a colonoscopy. She is waiting for a call regarding an appointment. Hoping we can figure out what is going on.

I am looking forward to a fast, busy 4 day trip to New York City on a holiday tour with a good friend of mine December 7-10. We will be very busy & I will probably be exhausted when I get back!

Kevin & I will be traveling to Las Vegas for Christmas. Erica did not have any PTO time to take to come home for either thanksgiving or Xmas as she took a trip to New Orleans in October with one of her friends from high school. We were in Vegas 4 years ago for Christmas. It is always a bit strange to be where there is no snow or cold, but we will enjoy being with Erica. She is going to get another promotion (her 2nd since starting at Lifetime Fitness) soon. She is currently the Member On Boarding Manager but will be promoted to the assistant Personal Training Manager. She works long hours, but seems to enjoy what she is doing.

Happy Thanksgiving to all! Let's have a few more posts here!

Written by Bonnie F on Nov. 8, 2018
Must reply to Desi,s note that she didn't get one trick or treater. Heard from sister, Audrey, that she didn't get any either, she was all prepared with candy and was also disappointed. Heard from brother Robert that they didn't get any trick or treaters either, so guess it was a new trend. Thanks to my good friend, Clara, I had one. Little Ronin Redding came in a ghost buster's outfit and made my Halloween a little brighter. Guess it isn't such a big thing, but when you prepare, it kind of is, It is freezing cold here today, tomorrow may be a snow storm, what is up with this weather? Also loved the wedding photos and told Audrey to have London or Talon show them to her. I hope they did. Love and best wishes, Bonnie

Written by Desiree on Nov. 7, 2018
Also I forgot to say that once again I didn't get 1 single trick-or-treater - that's 15 years in a row! Big bummer.

Written by Desiree on Nov. 7, 2018
Oh My Gosh - loved, loved, LOVED the wedding pictures. Everyone looked so beautiful and WOWZA the bride and groom were stunning! Thank you Barb for posting. All good here - getting cold ugh. Love to all.

Written by Val on Oct. 31, 2018
Thank you so much Barb for posting the photos! You got some very nice pictures! We had a great time in Galveston & it was so wonderful to be together. Wish everyone could have been there! The wedding was beautiful & Steven & Mary were so happy! Thanks to Sue for hosting us at her beautiful home! Cindy; Shelley & I really enjoyed our little cottage & discovering things to see & do on the island. Of course walking on the beach was a highlight! Best wishes to the newlyweds!

Written by Barb & Pete on Oct. 31, 2018
We're BAAACK! The trip to Houston/Galveston was fabulous! It was so fun to all be together! The wedding was absolutely beautiful! I posted some pics at the bottom of the menu and hope it gives you a feel of the big weekend. A big thanks to Cindy, Val & Shelley for coming -- you guys made it so much fun! And huge thanks to Sue for hosting us and driving us all over. It was a wonderful trip!
Hope everyone is doing great!
Love, Barb & Pete