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Written by Desiree on Oct. 24, 2018
Happy Birthday Val! I know you gals will make it a special day down in Texas. So sorry to read that Auntie Bonnie didn't get to go on the trip. I had heard that you weren't feeling well but had no idea that it had been going on for so long. Bummer Bonnie - please know that I'm sending you positive vibes. We've started working again so that's good news in our world. Love to all.

Written by Bonnie F on Oct. 24, 2018
HAPPY BIRTHDAY VAL! Glad you made it to Galveston, Texas. Hope you have a great day. Sounds like you are having lots of fun!
I am sad to be missing all the good times, but the weather is nice here and the cow chasing hasn't been too bad, at least not yet! Hoping to stay well, and really watching my diet. Mom

Written by Bonnie on Oct. 22, 2018
Hi everyone, It is Monday night and I am trying to get some things ready to send with Val on the trip to Texas. Some of you already know, but for those who don't , I have decided to stay back here. Tomorrow I finish my 14 day antibiotic treatment. I am feeling quite a bit better, somewhat stronger, and have much less cold. But I still am not sure if I have licked this C-Diff, or if it will be back again to make me sick again. They will not test me as I am still full of antibiotic meds. So I think it is better if I stay here , try to stay positive, and hope I am healed. I cancelled my flight today, citing health issues, and the lady who was helping me, said I will not lose any of the initial cost of the flight and can use the voucher she sent anytime between now and July , 2019. There is usually a fee of $200.00 for cancellation and rebooking, but she assured me that it will not apply since I have health issues right now. I could hardly believe it, Hope it is correct, I do have an insurance policy, but it looks quite complicated and may not pay for anything so I am happy about that. Plan to take it easy, stay calm as I can, and hope for the best. Love, Bonnie

Written by Val on Oct. 17, 2018
Happy Anniversary today to Barb & Pete! You guys are such a special couple & hope you have a great day! If the weather in Minnesota is going to be anything like it is going to be in ND today - you need to be outdoors! It is supposed to be nearly 70 degrees! Of course it is a one day thing, but we will take it! Have a great day & looking forward to seeing you next week!

Written by Cindy on Oct. 13, 2018
Happy birthday Aunt Bonnie! Wish we could celebrate together-thinking of you and hoping your starting to feel better. I'm so glad Val is doing the cooking for your bday lunch, hope you get to go to the play- I saw one of the church basement ladies shows a few years back- hilarious 😂 definitely could relate to them.
Prayers are coming your way! Love you lots!

Written by Barb & Pete on Oct. 13, 2018
Happy Birthday Bonnie!! Sounds like Val has a lovely day planned for you -- hope you're feeling well enough to get to the play tonight. We are so bummed to hear you're ailing. Put on some of your "headgear" which will bring a spring to your step! Have Curt wear his too! LOL!
Laughter is supposed to help with healing so watch some funny movies on TV or America's Funniest Videos. Heal!! We're praying for you and love you!
Barb & Pete

Written by Val & Kevin on Oct. 12, 2018
Happy Birthday to my Mom! I hope you try to enjoy yourself today Take it easy & relax & try to keep your stress level low! We will be dining at Val’s Exquisite Cuisine for lunch & hoping to enjoy a play tonight, the Lutheran Church Basement Ladies! Should be good for some belly laughs! Love you,

Written by Bonnie F on Oct. 10, 2018
Better late than never so HAPPY BIRTHDAY Deb, so glad to be able to talk to you on the phone tonight Still not feeling very well, and now on my second 14 day round of antibiotics.I have somehow contracted C-dif a type of super bug, that gets in your gut and causes many bad things, diarrhea, indigestion, feeling weak and generally not good. Also after my first round of antibiotics which I thought would fix me up, I got a massive cold so Sept and now Oct. are not going very well. Trying to watch everything I eat, the diet is very bland and tasteless, but I must follow it in order to get rid of this curse. Hoping for the best and trying not to think about cookies, cake, pie, candy, milk, doughnuts.! Deb, hope your new job is rewarding and that you are appreciated as you should be as you have always been a very dedicated worker. Glad for the new position, traveling will be fun. Love, Mom

Written by Barb on Oct. 10, 2018
Happy Birthday Deb!! Hope you have had a fabulous day! Kudos on a new job that sounds exciting. Love the first trip to Carlsbad, NM -- make sure to allow time to see Carlsbad Caverns -- it is fantastic! Lino Lakes is in the twin cities area-- when are you here? Would be great fun to meet up.

Big news for me today -- I am officially retired as of 6:15 pm! Woo hoo! I am giddy! (I've been ready since May 31st).

Am so excited to hear you're coming to the wedding Cindy! Will be such fun -- can't wait to see everyone and spend some quality time together! I'm hoping for some warmth -- has been cooler than normal and constant rain. The 's' word is in the forecast. Sigh.

So sorry to hear you're not feeling well Bonnie. Heal! We'll cover you in prayers!
Love to all!

Written by Cindy on Oct. 9, 2018
Why oh why does this date never come up correctly(it's October 10th at 4 pm!!)

Written by Cindy on Oct. 9, 2018
Happy Birthday, Cousin Deb and congratulations on your new job! Sounds like it will be nice- work from home AND get to travel 1 week each month(I love to travel so that sounds perfect, you'll get to see lots of interesting places in the US and someone else is paying for it-SCORE!)
Also like to hear what that wonderful son of yours is doing, hope Nick is enjoying his job as well.
Have a great year!:)

Written by Val on Oct. 9, 2018
Happy Birthday to my sister Deb! Hope you have a great day! Since she does not post on the family website I will update the rest of you on a couple things in her life. Deb quit her job at the credit union in August - she was the IT person for the organization. She has accepted a job with the software vendor that credit union used which is called Sharetec. She starts her new job on October 15th and will be spending some time at their headquarters in Lino Lakes, MN for training. She will be working remotely from home and traveling one week per month to assist credit unions in conversions to her employer's software. Her first travels will take her to Carlsbad, NM the first of November.

Nick has moved to Westminster, Maryland where he is doing a 6 month rotation for his internship program. Westminster is close to Baltimore and he will be close to Shelley, so hopefully they can get together.

I am looking forward to the trip to TX for Steven and Mary's wedding. It is coming up fast. Hoping mom can make the trip. She has not been feeling well and some extra prayers for her would be appreciated.

Hope you have a great day Deb and that your new job is a winner!

Written by Cindy on Oct. 7, 2018
Hi all, Getting excited for the Texas trip, spoke with Sue yesterday and she told me she is taking off for the entire time we will be in the area so hopefully we will get plenty of time together. Will be so much fun to see everyone, Barb & Pete, Val, Bonnie and Shelley and of course the Texas folks! Have added Houston/Galveston Island to my weather ap so I can watch and know what kind of clothes to bring(Sue said to make sure to bring my bathing suit as the Gulf is still warm enough to get into the water-seems hard to believe as its getting so cold here)See some of you soon!

Written by Val on Oct. 2, 2018
Happy Birthday wishes to my brother Carl tomorrow! Hope you have a nice day & a great year ahead! Also Happy Belated Birthday wishes to Lindsay!

I am traveling to Williston tomorrow for an open house at the new headquarters building of our neighboring cooperative Mountrail Williams Electric. They have been working on this new building for over 3 years & are having an open house for the public tomorrow. They have very large margins as they serve a good chunk of the Bakken Oil play, so they lots of money to spend on a swanky building. I have seen it progressing when we visit Williston, about one a year, so am anxious to go inside! Will be traveling there with a couple board members and a staff member.

We have had a mix of weather here today. Fog, rain, snow, sun, wind! Near the northern border they are forecasting 2-5 inches of snow. Hope we are far enough south that we don't see any of that.

Written by Cindy on Oct. 1, 2018
Happy Birthday Lindsay and Carl(yesterday and today) hope you both have wonderful celebrations and healthy days ahead!