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Written by Val on Sep. 29, 2018
Greetings HHFers! So glad to see Cindy posted & broke the "news drought" here on the family website! Thanks Cindy! Sounds like you took your in-laws on a nice outing. I remember how much Kevin's dad appreciated just going on drives to get out and see something other than the same four walls. It's the simple things that mean the most!

The family website has been updated for October and there is LOTS happening! Of course the big event for this month is the wedding of Steven & Mary! Mom, Shelley & I are planning to make the trip to TX and we are excited that Cindy Thompson is going to join us! We have rented a small house on Galveston Island which is right behind the Hotel Galvez where the wedding will take place. We are looking forward to the wedding & spending time with cousins! I will be celebrating my birthday while we are there so that will be fun! We plan to go to Sue's home one evening and will just enjoy our time on the island where there is lots to see & do!

My mom has not been feeling well so we are hoping she takes it easy & rests up for the trip!

The 2018 Norsk Hostfest is history & I was there two times. I spent 6 hours baking chocolate chip cookies for give away one day in order to "earn" my free tickets to a concert. Mom wanted to see Alabama but they cancelled at the last minute because the lead singer had bronchitis, so we saw the Righteous Brothers last night. Mom enjoyed the music alot as this was her era! I enjoyed it too. One of the brothers has passed away so there is a "fill in" for him. The other is 78 years old, but he could still sing! We also enjoyed a cup of Augustana's rice pudding! Yum!

It has gotten very cool here! I should be out doing yard work, but it is much nicer indoors. Kevin & I mowed mom's lawn yesterday as they were predicting snow/rain for today.

Kevin & I are heading to Bergen to the church later today to take things off the wall and take down the light fixtures. The roofer is supposed to be coming in the next few weeks, so want to be ready. We are afraid that once he starts pounding on the roof there will be lots of plaster falling down!

For those that remember Ricky Hoeschst from our Helstedt family reunions, want to pass on that he passed away at the age of 71, which does not sound very old anymore! His funeral service will be on Thursday at Christ Lutheran Church in Minot.

Hope you are all doing well and staying healthy!

Written by Cindy on Sep. 28, 2018
Hi all, Its Friday evening and Ron and I spent the day with his folks to help celebrate his Dads 86th birthday-WOW, not sure I expect to be around that long but who knows. We picked them up late morning and we drove first through Loveland for lunch at "Perkins" the bday boys choice-LOL- what a thrill, then on to Estes Park(in the mountains) We went by the condos that we both had places in, looked ok but I sure didn't wish we still had it-and they had painted the building a "baby poop yellow/brown, so ugly! We stopped downtown as Jack wanted to get some toffee-yum, so good! Was kind of a cold, dreary day here but I think they enjoyed themselves, my mother inlaw was exhausted by the time we got back to Greeley so hope she sleeps well tonight.
Spent a few days in Casper last week with my Mom, needed to get her flu shot and a few things before the weather gets nasty, we had a nice time, know she gets lonely for us girls to come up. Getting cool up there too, fall weather is definitely here.
Got my plane ticket for the wedding in Texas earlier this week, really looking forward to the trip! Have been working, giving flu shots again this fall and could use a little R&R.
Well not much else going on around here but noticed there hadn't been much action on the web site so decided to get you all motivated-hint,
hint, hint! Love to you all!

Written by Cindy on Sep. 14, 2018
Hope you had a wonderful birthday today, Shelley! I would love to have been there for all the exciting things that were on the agenda(well, ok, maybe not the toilet fixing but the rest sounded great-lol)
Happy Birthday and have fun this weekend!

Written by Desiree on Sep. 13, 2018
Happy Birthday Shelley - have a cocktail for me ;-) - love ya!

Written by Val on Sep. 13, 2018
Happy Birthday today to my sister Shelley!! We are happy to be in DC to help you celebrate! It looks to be a rainy day here today, but we plan to enjoy it anyway! Plans are to meet at the National Cathedral for some coffee, then a visit to Shelley’s favorite thrift store, fix her toilet, then head to West Virginia to her house there! We had a lovely dinner last night at a Chinese restaurant where we got to meet lots of Shelley’s long time friends, which was very nice. Love to all!!

Written by Cindy on Sep. 11, 2018
Safe travels to DC, Val, Kevin, and Bonnie! Make sure to pack an umbrella, I'm sure Shelley would have been disappointed had you decided to cancel. Hope you have a wonderful time!

Written by Val on Sep. 11, 2018
Hello all! So happy that Steven & Mary enjoyed the leisure shower! So fun that it was a surprise! After much deliberation about whether to go to DC or not in light of the hurricane, we have decided to leave tomorrow. Sure hope all goes well. We are sure thinking about Carl & Olga in North Carolina & hope they don’t get too much rain. Mom & I went to the Drake Threshing show this past weekend & saw Robert drive his 100 year old Titan tractor. Bummer that Ron & Dave are not feeling well! Get better soon!

Written by Cindy on Sep. 10, 2018
Just saw the note from Sue about the surprise "leisure shower" so glad you were able to pull this off, I'm sure these are exciting days for the young lovers!
Busy days for me as I am in the midst of getting the church garage sale ready for this weekend, so much stuff and this time pretty nice things-just hope we have a good turn out of buyers. Have been so blessed to have a good number of volunteers that have never helped in the past.
Had to go for a mandatory flu shot meeting this afternoon, checked on the progress at the church after I was done and while there is still a lot to do I was amazed at the amount of work that got done! Wish you could all come and find some treasures-lol!
Happy to report I am feeling much better after my bout of pneumonia, took awhile but now Ron has the "crud", he did see the doctor but luckily not pneumonia just a "virus"- he feels pretty crummy though so guess I can't count on his help with the garage sale.
Talked with Des and Dave is having some major issues with arthritis in his hands(has lots of pain anyway with all his surgeries in the past few years but this was real bad, enough that she had to take him in to urgent care-poor guy, he works so hard and he's too young to have to suffer with this kind of discomfort-has to see an arthritis specialist-keep him in your prayers.)
Excited to hear Bonnie, Val, and Kevin will be going to DC to celebrate with Shelley on her birthday! Have fun, you all deserve it!
Loving the fall weather-hope you all are too:)

Written by Sue on Sep. 9, 2018
It was an exciting afternoon at my house. We had a "Leisure bridal shower". They were totally surprised. You guys are all the best! They loved every gift. HHFers are extremely creative people! I gave them patio chairs and a table and had them set up in my bedroom with the door shut. I put all the boxes around them on the floor. We had lunch and celebrated Mary's birthday, which was last weekend but they were in Hot Springs, Arkansas. After opening her gifts I asked them to come and see something in my bedroom. They walked in and were so surprised to see all the gifts and the balloons that said bridal shower. They sat right down in the chairs and we Skyped in Aunt Barb and they started opening things. Lots of laughter and fun. You all really made them feel so loved. Thanks!

Written by Bonnie Feist on Aug. 30, 2018
A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY today to our grandson Nick! 25 years old, the time has flown by and it doesn't hardly seem possible but we wish you a happy birthday and a happy year ahead as you move to your new position at Westminster,Maryland. We love you and hope your next assignment will be great!

also best wishes for a great birthday to
Eric B today too Love, Bonnie and Curt

Written by Val on Aug. 29, 2018
Happy 25th birthday today to nephew Nick! Hope you have a great day! Know you will be heading home to DuBuque for the holiday weekend!

Written by Val on Aug. 26, 2018
Oh my goodness! I just checked the website today and see that Cindy has pneumonia! Not good! Hope you are feeling much better! My situation has improved some, but we have been busy working at the farm with Dynamo Deb and Carl visiting, so I have not given my shoulder much rest. Was a weekend of many bovine rodeos! Carl and Kevin at least got something productive done as they hauled out manure! I told them their "shit show" was much more productive than the one Deb and I tried to do with Dad and a couple bulls! We FINALLY got some rain last night! Only 1/2 " but at least it will settle the dust! Deb is here until Wednesday and Carl until Friday. Nice to have them here, but it's all work & no play! Such is the farm life!

Written by Bonnie feist on Aug. 22, 2018
So sorry to hear that you have gotten pneumonia Cindy. I hope you have some good medicine and that you will take it easy and rest and get well soon! Love and get well wishes, Auntie Bonnie

Written by Desiree on Aug. 20, 2018
Now poor nurse Cindy has pneumonia! She's feeling pretty tough so everyone send some positive, healthy vibes her way. Sounds like nurse Cindy and Val need a little TLC time!

Written by Val on Aug. 16, 2018
Hello HHFS! So glad to hear that Aunt Audrey is home again and under the care of her own private nurse Cindy! Sounds like you had fun celebrating Talon's birthday! Hard to believe he is driving! Figured his dad would make sure he had a nice truck to drive! Grandpa Art would be proud of you! It has been warm in ND & we need rain badly! There is some in the forecast for the weekend but mainly for south of us. We have had very hazy skies lately due to the smoke from the fires to the west and in Canada. We are looking forward to visits from Deb and Carl next week. Deb arrives on Wednesday the 22nd and goes home the following Wed. and Carl comes Friday, the 24th and goes home the following Friday. We are hoping to get some of the bovines sorted and worked. We will see. The clutch went out on the Belarus so Kevin will be working on that this weekend. This is the 3rd one he has put in this tractor, so he should be very experienced in how to do it. Mom and I attended a painting party at the Bergen Church on Wednesday evening with my bible study group. It was a bit intense, but I really like the painting we did. This was mom's first experience. I have attached a photo of my finished product! No big weekend plans. Kevin will be working on the tractor and I am hoping I feel well enough to do some baking and get ready for company. I have been dealing with back/shoulder pain the past week & it just is kicking my butt! I have tried heat, ice, muscle relaxers, alcohol, the chiropractor, massage therapy and it just does not want to let up. Love to all!
