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Written by Desiree on Aug. 14, 2018
Hi all - figured I should update everyone on mom. She was released from the hospital on 8/11. Jill and I returned home on 8/12. Cindy is staying with mom through this week as she had a doc visit on 8/13 and has another on the 16th. Cindy takes such wonderful care of our mother and we appreciate all she does. Mom is definitely on the "up and up" as she was sassing back to the doctor when he was telling her that she will need to wear oxygen full time for a little while until her strength returns and her reply back to him was "maybe I will and maybe I won't." The doctor didn't know what to say lol ;-) She also kicked all of us out of her room (even Cindy) when the nurse came in to "redo" her IV. I guess she figured we might distract the nurse and she wanted her to be accurate! We had a great time celebrating Tal's birthday at Buffalo Wild Wings and the Natrona County Medical Center too! Talon has a big fancy truck to drive around Casper and his parents got him a fancy new stereo for his truck too. He's doing AWESOME in his truck pulling division and is an excellent driver (just like his grandpa and dad). I plan to get some pics posted but just seem to be running all the time. Love to all!

Written by Pete & Barb on Aug. 9, 2018
HAPPY 16th B-DAY TALON!! Can't imagine that you're now old enough to drive -- and even are doing pulling! Wow! We fondly remember your visit back in 2007 when you were obsessed with vacuum cleaners! Hope you have a fantastic day and year!!
Our thoughts and prayers are going out to Audrey -- get better fast! So glad Cindy is there with you -- so enjoyed visiting with you guys today. Heal! Glad Jill and Des are coming up -- you should feel better in no time with all that support!
All is well here! Love, Barb & Pete

Written by Bonnie F on Aug. 8, 2018
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TALON! Hope you have a very good birthday. With Grandma Audrey in the hospital maybe you will have to bring the celebration there. Now you are 16, can get a driver's license and all kinds of good things. Haven't seen you since Sept. 2016. Guess you are into pulling trucks or so I hear. Enjoy your birthday! Love, Bonnie F

Written by Desiree on Aug. 8, 2018
Hello family, wanted to let everyone know that mom (Audrey) is in the hospital with pneumonia again. Cindy had gone up to take mom to a doc appt on Monday and said that mom hadn't felt real good (tired) and she was very hoarse but "generally felt okay for an 82 year old woman." By Tuesday she hadn't perked up (even turned down a cookie!) so took her to Urgent Care and they recommended she go to the ER. She was admitted Tuesday night and is doing much better. The doc said that is was caught early so hopefully only a couple days in the hospital and then home with antibiotics. Jill and I are heading up there tomorrow so will know more then. She is at the Casper Medical Center in Room 567. Will try to keep everyone posted. Prayers are much appreciated :) love to all

Written by Sue on Aug. 4, 2018
Happy 61st Anniversary to my wonderful parents! I hope you celebrate and enjoy the memories.
Greetings to everyone else out there. Congrats to Jenny and Matt! Glad my kids aren't the only ones out there getting married. I was at a bridal shower for Mary this afternoon. It was very nice. I really think she is a super addition to our family!
I haven't been on here in ages either. Seems like something is always vying for my time. I've worked a few days pretty much every week this summer, except for the weeks I was in Burnsville and ND. I've had to help with interviews for new math department members since I am the department head and I lost four teachers at the end of the year, all for good reasons.
I need to update everyone on a few things, but it will have to be later.
I'm so thrilled that five of you (that I know of) out there are coming to Steven and Mary's wedding. I'm looking forward to spending some time with you while you are here.
Love to all!

Written by Cindy on Aug. 3, 2018
Decided I better let everyone know that Ron and I are very pleased and excited that Jenny and Matt are engaged to be married! We really haven't had a chance to sit down and talk with them so as to know what to tell anyone, they plan to pick out the engagement ring together(he proposed with an empty ring box as Jenny is very particular in the type of ring she wants-better she gets what she will like I guess) She has just started a new job this week too, so has been hard to talk with her much. He proposed on her birthday while they were out for dinner. She is very happy and excited and I'm not sure what she will want in a wedding, at 35(her age) I know I will have to "reign in" my desires and try to be helpful and go with what will make them both happy(as difficult as that will be for me ha! ha!) I will keep you all informed as details become available.
Enjoying life in Colorado-love to you all!

Written by Val on Jul. 30, 2018
Hello family! I have updated the family website for the month of August as we are leaving this week on vacation and wanted to be sure & get it done before the month started!

Congratulations are in order for Jennifer Thompson and her fiancee Matt! Congrats on your engagement Jenny! We will be waiting to hear news of a wedding date!

Kevin & I are traveling to Rochester, MN this weekend for the wedding of one of Erica's high school classmates & good friends. We will be picking Erica up in Sioux Falls, SD and heading to Rochester from there. We are going to spend a few extra days in that area sightseeing & riding bike on the Root River bike Trail. Planning to stay in Lanesboro, MN which comes highly recommended by Barb & Pete! Looking forward to it!

As I stated on the website front page, my flowers are so pretty right now! Have to share a photo of my zinnias. They are beautiful right now! Love the summer flowers!

Love to all!

Written by Des on Jul. 24, 2018
Happy birthday to best looking 35 year old woman in Colorado today, my Jen! Love her so much. Also belated birthdays to Kevin and John too. We've been finally getting some cooler temps and actual rain down here woohoo. My pasture is so happy;)

Written by Shelley on Jul. 24, 2018
Hi all- birthday wishes to Jenny! Was fun for me, Barb and Pete to get together in Minneapolis on Monday night! SKOL!

Written by Val on Jul. 24, 2018
Happy Birthday Jenny! Hope you have a really awesome day! Enjoy!

Written by Bonnie F on Jul. 24, 2018
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENNY! A little early but better now then forget. Hope you have a good birthday and can eat lots of delicious
birthday cake. Love, Bonnie

Written by Bonnie F on Jul. 19, 2018
Happy Birthday today to John A Hultman! Have a great day and a great year ahead! Hi Candi, London and Talon, hope all is well with you, too. Bonnie F

Written by Val on Jul. 19, 2018
Happy Birthday to John Hultman today! Hope your day is special John!

Thanks for the birthday wishes for Kevin! He had a pretty low-key birthday. Worked all day and then we were at home last night. I made ribs for supper, which were great and we had a little birthday celebration later with mom and dad. Had sour cream raisin bars with ice cream & of course we did the traditional candle and singing of "Happy Birthday"! Kevin always takes his birthdays well! As he says, it is just a number!

Written by Barb & Pete on Jul. 19, 2018
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEVIN!! You are the BEST cousin ever!! Hope your eyes bug out from the fabulous presents, meal & cake I'm sure you will enjoy You are always such a good sport! Enjoy your day and we wish you a fantastic, healthy year!!

All is well here. I was just at a Norwegian convention in Willmar, MN for 5 days which was fun but very busy. Yesterday we went biking on our tandem bike on the Cannon Valley trail (the west side). Some of you Feists might remember the east side of the trail from Red Wing. Was perfect weather. Today we have a little rain which we needed. Love to all!! Barb & Pete

Written by Val on Jul. 18, 2018
Happy Birthday today to my husband Kevin! A man who does so much for so many and who loves my family like his own. Many times he could have said "no" when asked to help out or to spend his vacation time visiting my immediate and extended family. But he never has. He truly loves all of you too! We hope to spend a quiet evening at home. Kevin has been busy preparing campers, boats & pontoons for the ND State Fair which begins tomorrow.

Erica was home last weekend for a short visit. We had a great time. We spent time hanging out at the farm and at home and also attended the memorial golf tournament for our nephew Kyle. Kevin & Erica golfed with our niece Kari and her husband. None of them have golfed much so they made a great team. If they would have golfed just a bit worse they would have gotten last place and won a prize! I rode in the golf cart & followed their progress. After the golf tournament we spent the evening visiting at my sister-in-laws house and there was a "surprise" anniversary celebration for us - complete with yummy cake and cupcakes! Erica left to go back to Vegas on Monday evening. We will see her again in a couple weeks as we are picking her up in Sioux Falls, SD & then traveling on to Rochester, MN for the wedding of one of her good friends from high school.

We had a visit from Sue, Robert & Ardella on Sunday evening. Was nice to see them and visit with Sue a little. Mom, Shelley & I are excited to be traveling to Texas for Steven and Mary's wedding the end of October.

Hope everyone is enjoying summer!
